(800) 288-1IML

Your Lab away from Home

If you are taking medication or monitoring other health conditions, your doctor may need you to have lab tests performed, even if you are away from home.
IML accepts test orders from other states and other countries so that you and your doctor can get the health information you need when you need it.
Have your physician send your order by fax to (941) 739-0612, by email to anytime or just bring it when you are ready for testing. Orders must include your name, date of birth and tests needed, as well as your physician's name, address and telephone number.
For patients covered by a U.S. based insurance, diagnosis information must be written on your order for IML to submit a claim. Please note some insurers do not cover services outside your plan area. Patients with a non-U.S. based insurance will receive a receipt of payment including the information needed to submit their own claim.
Standing Orders for seasonal residents may be submitted by email, fax or in person and will be available for use at any IML Patient Service Center.